

* 写真の時以外はマスク着用していました!
Twelve people completed Six days of SourcePoint Therapy Module Three yesterday.
The last time we had Module Three in Japan was in three and a half years ago, so it has been a while.
Due to the influence of COVID, we gathered locally in Japan, paying attention to safety, and proceeded by connecting with teachers in the United States online. It was our first attempt to offer this way.
I was wondering how it would actually flow during the class, however, I felt pretty smooth to connect online in the morning and practice exchange session in the afternoon.
There was palpable difference in the field each day as usual Module Three, and people were changing and shifting everyday. The sense of unity of the entire group had increased day by day as well.
There were a lot of laughter and tears sometimes. It was a safe and warm environment.
When I listened to the impressions and feedbacks from the participants at the end of the class, I think they had a very good "time", and people are more aware of their own "awareness"!
It is always great pleasure to witness people’s transformation, the time a person realizes there is another perspective of life, and how their beings change. Thank you as always for Donna and Bob to bring this work to the world. Thank you all for people who joined the journey at TEN!!
* Other than picture time we wore masks